Monday, May 6, 2013

Baby farm animals

Even though Brian finished his "Ag" job last week, we still found occasion to go to a farm exhibit at Rockford's Discover Center museum this past weekend. They had a special interactive visit area with baby chicks, ducks, rabbits, goats, lambs and pigs. Cuteness overload.
They let the kids hold many of the animals, too, which Ellie and Katie both enjoyed. To be honest, I probably enjoyed it just as much as they did :)
I'd say there will be plenty of posts on here about Discovery Center fun in the coming months. It's a pretty amazing resource for the kids, with changing exhibits, interactive learning centers and (Ellie's favorite) a water play area. Too cool.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Stair master

Katie adores stairs these days and is happy to climb up and down for hours (if we'd let her). At least she's getting pretty good at it so we're not as worried about a tumble.