Monday, May 3, 2010

9 months

Happy 9-month birthday to our little girl! Ellie is showing so many signs of being a "big girl" these days. We looked at some pictures the other day of Ellie in her first couple months home... and we can't believe how much she's grown. Here's a look at Eleanor Anne at 9 months:

1. Laughing and smiling, SO much!
2. She's right on the verge of crawling and walking. Ellie can rock and hang off the edge of furniture with the best of them :)
3. Scooting. Ellie is really good at going backwards, so far...
4. Covering some ground: Just in the past couple days I realized how effective she is in getting to toys and non-baby things that she wants to grab, even though she doesn't use any traditional techniques of crawling or rolling yet. She's unique.
5. Pmphlpmphttttttt!! She loves making farty noises, especially at the least appropriate times (i.e. church)
6. Clapping about anything and everything. Apparently mom and dad are very applause-worthy.
7. Waving, just a little. Brian has been working very hard on bye-bye with her, and Ellie is finally starting to wave with some consistency.
8. Eating some new foods. Just today she had bits of bagel and a couple small pieces of black olives. We're hoping to keep expanding her diet.
9. Putting blocks in a bucket. She's not quite fitting them through the right shape holes, but Ellie is good at dumping out her bucket of blocks and then slowly dropping ones back in.
10. Sharing? She just started reaching toys out to us when she's playing, as if she's offering to share. Sometimes she'll let go if we reach to take them and say "thank you".... sometimes she hangs on and pulls them back to her. Either way it's cute! But we'll keep working on sharing.

That's the top 10 we can come up with for now... but stay tuned, as she's growing so fast every day!

1 comment:

  1. What a big girl! I love that picture, she looks so happy!
