Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Doggy tale

Our week started off on a gross note when Brian discovered Muzzy having a diarrhea* problem (in the dining room... on the rug) first thing Monday morning. About an hour later I found myself walking into the vet's office with Muzzy's leash and Ellie's hand gripped tightly in the right hand, and Katie's car seat and a baggy of dog poo in my left hand. Quite a precarious juggling act. Luckily nothing was dropped in the process. Muzzy was diagnosed with allergies (which has been causing her excessive itching) and normal GI stuff, which we think might be caused by her getting into the veggie garden and swiping green tomatoes off the plants. She's on meds for both issues now. Glad nothing too serious is wrong with her, but it sure made for a disgusting and hectic Monday.
Ellie was thrilled by the outing and Muzzy's illness. She hasn't stopped talking about diarrhea since, and she gave Muzzy a stern talking to about the fact that dogs are supposed to do that in the grass and not in the house. She also enjoyed watching mom troll through the back yard to find a Muzzy sample to bag up for the vet. That task required a bit more detective work than I cared for since I didn't want to accidently take Radar's in for examination and I hadn't seen Muzzy in the act. Not fun.
A very nice tech at the vet's office also let Ellie "help" during our visit. She escorted another client and their dog into one of the rooms, helped swipe mom's credit card in the machine and brought my receipt out from behind the counter. Basically Ellie can't wait to go back to the vet. But Muzzy and I are both fine with waiting a bit before we make that journey again.

*Sorry if this is too gross a story but our lives these days are filled with so much poo and puke that I had to share the wealth... luckily not literally ... with all you readers :)


  1. Your lives aren't the only ones filled with poo. That was our dinner conversation just last night. Ah, parenting. :)

    Glad Muzzy is ok! I love that Ellie gave him a lecture.

  2. I've taken my kids to the vet with me a few times...the stroller is my best friend. Strap them both in, push them in, with the dog at my side or behind me on the leash. I find I can keep my sanity better if they are strapped in...less worry about escaping children. I must say, pestburgh's staff has always been great with my kiddies...makes the whole task a bit more bearable.
