Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mom and puppies (by Brian)

It was bound to happen sooner or later.
Ellie has been equal-opportunity with mom and dad since she was born. Either of us would do when she wanted to play, be held, eat or be rocked when she was fussy. But lately, it's becoming painfully obvious that Ellie has started favoring Dorothy over me.
I knew it would happen sooner or later, and I've been told that her preferences will go back and forth over time. But there's something tough about picking up your daughter and having her wriggle a little and reach for mom.
In a way, I'm glad it happened this way first. I think Dorothy would have a much more difficult time with it than I am. She takes these things to heart. It's not that I'm not taking it to heart just a little, but Dorothy just has a tougher time when it comes to stuff like this.
I guess the good thing is that one day, she'll probably swing back to being daddy's girl. I'll get to gloat that she's had it the other way, and decided on dad. And Dorothy will know how it feels and let me have my moments, as fleeting as they'll surely be.
Oh, the headline mentions puppies. No matter who is in the room, Radar and Muzzy always win out over mom and dad. Ellie can't get enough of watching them romp and roughhouse on the floor together.
So the real battle here is not which parent she favors, I guess, but which species.

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