Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas pics

We had a really great trip down to the St. Louis area for Christmas weekend and packed it full of visits with family and friends. Christmas Day was spent at grandma and grandpa's house where we all feasted.
The spoiling of Ellie continued as she raked in wonderful gifts from so many people. Thanks to ALL!
Ellie reciprocated by serving up some delicious "watermelon juice" with her new toy tea set. She even shared some with cousin Tyler.
And Ellie was happy to pitch in to help anyone nearby who was opening a present. So thoughtful.
We got a visit in with Brian's dad and sister, Sarah. It was great to see you guys!

And much of the rest of the weekend was spent horsing around at Brian's mom's house — where one of Ellie's favorite things to do is find a phone and pretend to call "paw-paw." This was the safest phone in the house for her to play with because the buttons get stuck and prevent her from actually calling someone!She got some quality play time in with both her grandma and her grandpa — and she misses you guys already!

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