Monday, January 23, 2012

Potty training tales

I've been afraid to post about all of the success we've had so far in Ellie's potty training... because I don't want to jinx it! But Ellie is doing awesome. Around Christmastime we realized that she'd plateaued with the pull-ups we were using. She would go on the potty sometimes, but often she'd refuse to even try. We knew it was a risk to switch to big-girl underwear, but we decided to go for it. Ellie was excited to pick out Dora and Minnie Mouse underwear. And in the three weeks she's been wearing them we've had just a handful of accidents. What a big girl! We're still using diapers at night, and that will probably last a while, but the decrease in diaper changes during the day is amazing :)
And I don't mean to make it sound like this has been easy. Ellie is plenty stubborn and sometimes refuses to go even when it's been hours since her last potty visit. During those times I usually make her sit with me near the potty and wait -- no toys, no games, just waiting it out until she admits she has to go.
The most comical accident she's had so far happened at school this past week. We've talked plenty with her about how she has to tell her teachers when she needs to go to the potty. When we asked her after this accident why she didn't tell anyone she had to go, Ellie told us she did inform someone. Unfortunately, the person she told was Olivia -- one of her 2-year-old classmates. Oops.

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