Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Four years

On Thanksgiving Day this year Brian and I will celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary.
When we were married, on Nov. 26, 2005, it was hard for me to imagine that I could ever be any happier. In Brian I found my best friend and true love.
We knew we were going to get married after we'd only been dating for a few months — though Brian waited more than a year to propose!
And we took a leap-of-faith together moving halfway across the country to New England when we graduated from our master's program in Springfield, Ill. We grew even closer in the years we spent living in Massachusetts and Connecticut, probably because we were the only family either of us had around out there. Well, besides the mangy dog (Radar) we adopted in 2005.
Since we moved back to the Midwest a couple years ago, our family has grown again. Not only did we adopt another dog, Muzzy, at the start of 2008, but Ellie joined us in August.
On our wedding day four years ago, I thought my heart would burst with happiness. But having Ellie has introduced Brian and me to a whole new level of joy. We're no Grinches, but on the day she was born I think our hearts grew four sizes!
We are so thankful to have her, and we count our blessings every day. There's no one else I'd rather share this journey of life and parenting with than Brian. Here's to hoping we have another 44 years (and more) together!

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