Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Playing = making a mess

Ellie has lots of fun playing with all of her toys these days... but of course some of her favorite play things are items not exactly meant for babies. She loves to empty the shoe rack and play with laces on mom's and dad's shoes. She also loves to empty the kitchen cabinet where we store all of our plastic containers. And given the opportunity, she will pull all of the clothes out of her dresser drawers. Brian commented the other day that one of the hardest things about having a baby is cleaning up the messes! It seems there's always a pile of stuff that needs picked up around our house these days... and if we don't get to the pile first, who knows what the dogs will do! Ah, the joys of parenthood (to both babies and dogs).
Ellie is big enough now to enjoy the kitchen set that Aunt Sandy and Uncle Jim gave to her. She loves to pull herself up and crash the metal sink bowl around. Oh, and she of course loves to open the two cabinet doors below and put stuff in or pull stuff out!
The princess cart is also a favorite. She loves pressing the buttons and then dancing to the music.

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