We seem to have determined what variety of squash I'm carrying. It's a big one.
I went in for my regular check-up with the doctor yesterday. Got weighed-in, peed on a stick and had my blood pressure checked.
Before listening to the heart beat, the doctor measured my belly and made the comment: "All of the sudden, you look really pregnant. You've really popped out."
I mentioned that I could be carrying a large baby — because of the baby history in my family — and she agreed immediately. In fact, when I told her about my mom's litter of nearly 10-pound babies, she said we'll need to monitor the baby's size as we approach 36 weeks and discuss options. If the baby is getting too big, she said, we may need to discuss scheduling a C-section before my due date.
Yikes. That was a lot to take in. And Brian wasn't even at this appointment to help me digest!
My first instinct is that I don't want a C-section. Or at least I don't want to rush into getting one. I'd like to try labor... not that it sounds like a total blast, but it's just the way I'd always imagined things going. Then again, my mom had five C-sections and my sister-in-law Jen had one with her son. Their experiences were fine. So I guess it's not something I should be so nervous about.
The doctor certainly isn't making any decisions yet. So I'm not going to worry about it (too much) at this point.
It was nice to hear from the doctor that my growing size is linked to the fast-growing baby. I've started getting surprised looks from people when they ask about my due date and I say it's not until August.
On another bright note, we get to go in for another ultrasound in two weeks! Yay for more early baby pics!
As long as Brian isn't scrambling to secure a massive meth deal when the baby comes due, you're good.