Thursday, August 18, 2011

No good, very bad day

Yesterday seemed to be a comedy of errors on many fronts.
It started to go downhill when I brought Ellie home from daycare at noon. This is our schedule most days and Ellie goes down for her nap while I work, sometimes frantically, during that 2-3 hour window to finish whatever assignments I have for the day.
Well, for some reason Ellie decided Wednesday that she was not going to take a nap. I listened to her alternate between playful babbling and fake "come-play-with-me" cries for the next 45 minutes... and finally went up to assess the situation. It quickly became clear that sleep was far from her mind, so she came downstairs to play.
I spent the next few hours alternating between playing with toys, listening to Ellie read her books and trying to clack away on the laptop. My work arrangement works great when Ellie and follow our assigned schedules... but I had a hard time trying to combine work and playtime. The trickiest parts where when sources finally returned my calls and I had to conduct interviews while trying to mask some of the toddler yelling and crashing toys in the background. Luckily, I was able to set up her prized Elmo video and distract her with animal crackers for some of my phone time.
She was so good during that string of work that I decided we both needed a break. So we put on swimsuits and sunblock and walked over to the pool at the park... only to find it closed. (Apparently it's only open on the weekends now that school is back in session. Sigh.) We looped around to the swing set, but the seats and slides were too hot for Ellie's bare legs (since she was only wearing a swimsuit...), so finally we just retreated home. I filled her kiddie pool in the backyard and that seemed to work as a sub par substitute for our original outing.
When a staff meeting was called at my work for 5 p.m., Brian was able to come home a bit early from his job to free me up. This came not a moment too soon, as Ellie's mood was starting to dissolve before my eyes. Turns out she needs that nap time.
While I went back to the office to finish my story and attend the meeting, Brian and Ellie went to pick up a pizza. Cooking was not happening yesterday.
After dinner and some play time, we got Ellie ready for an early bedtime... as she was seriously overdue for some shut-eye. But she continued to fight sleep. Brian (whose seasonal allergies have suddenly come on in full force) stayed inside to work on Ellie while I went out to mow the lawn.
By the time I finished, he had almost succeeded in getting our overtired girl to sleep, so I decided to slip out for a short run to shake off some of the day's stress. I was less than a quarter mile from the house when I tripped over my own feet and slammed into the pavement. *Luckily?* I was able to twist during the fall and absorb most of it with my palm and my right hip, so as to avoid road rash down my arms and legs ahead of this weekend's wedding... but it hurt! I didn't even bother feeling embarrassed and was glad when a lady pulled over to where I was laying on the side of the road to check on my condition. I muttered something about being fine, I think, and retreated back home.
Battered and bruised in so many ways from the long day, I gratefully went to bed early. Here's hoping for a more successful, nap-filled and injury-free Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, my heart goes out to you. I'll keep my fingers crossed for better naps and no injuries!
