Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Attack of the pillows

Sleeping has become a chore recently.
I'm still tired most of the time, so the thought of catching some ZZZs is usually appealing. But it's become unpleasant as I'm having a harder time finding a comfortable position to lay in.
I'm sure that this problem will only increase as I grow over the next five months. But it's already causing some interesting nights.
The solutions I've heard/read about, almost all involve adding more pillows to prop myself in different positions. According to my pregnancy bible, I'm not supposed to lay on my stomach or back. And even lying on my right side is not ideal. So my left side is the winner.
I'm usually a side sleeper, but the hip pain that has accompanied my pregnancy so far makes the position very uncomfortable. I find that laying on my left side hurts my left hip and causes numbness in the right one. Very weird.
I've added a body pillow in between my knees and other pillows propping my back and chest. It's not helping all that much, but it's pretty funny to see me buried in pillows each night. It's a good thing I'm not claustrophobic.
Between me, the pillows and the dogs, there's very little room leftover for Brian these days. But he's being a good sport. I'm already up to using five pillows and I'm only in month four... so if I have to add even one pillow for each remaining month of the pregnancy Brian is going to wind up sleeping in the nursery!

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