Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A little scare

Who would have though that finding out Dorothy has pneumonia would be a relief.
This is Brian, by the way, filling in for our sick blogger, who obviously has pneumonia.
Dorothy hadn't been feeling well over the weekend. She had been short of breath off and on and basically tired. We chalked it up to the pregnancy and the idea that the baby was pressing up against her lungs.
Then Monday she started feeling a pain in her left arm, pain in her throat or neck when she breathed deeply and some numbness in her left hand. Her OB sent her to the emergency room, the first thought being heart trouble.
Long story short (though it was six hours of waiting and listening to the guy in the next bed arguing with a doctor about whether a baby can receive the effects of his wife or girlfriend smoking crack while breast feeding) she had a CAT scan to check for blood clots and it turned out to be pneumonia.
It was quite a scare. Here we don't even have a baby yet, but we're having to make some tough decisions about whether it's OK to have an x-ray and whether Dorothy should get the contrasting dye, which does reach the baby. I guess that's what being a parent is all about.
But I look at it this way. We had to make a major decision, and we did it. And really, this is the toughest decision we'll ever have to make about our kids, and it's out of the way, right? Right? Anyone!?!?

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