Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ellie sucks ;)

I mean that in the best possible way, really.
When I went to feed Ellie at lunch, I learned from the daycare workers that she happily took a pacifier for about 20 minutes this morning in her crib. It might not seem like big news, but Brian and I were pretty surprised.
Like most babies, Ellie has wanted to "suck" to soothe herself almost since she was born. But except for a one-day fluke, she has never wanted to take a pacifier. In fact, we've made her pretty mad at times when we've offered it to her.
Now I don't want to force a pacifier on Ellie, because I know there are both pros and cons to having babies use them. But in lieu of taking a pacifier, one of the only ways Ellie has been soothed during the evening hours (when she's often fussy) is by nursing... even when she's not really eating. Basically, I've been a human pacifier for her. I love the bonding time and being able to calm her down, but it might be nice to have another alternative to keep her happy in between feedings.
Ellie has also been sucking on her hand recently. And I saw her thumb find its way into her mouth for about a minute this morning. So I guess she's finding more independent ways to calm herself down, whether it's with a binky or her own appendage :)
Our little girl is growing up!

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