Wednesday, July 29, 2009

38 weeks

It's crazy that this is probably my last full week of pregnancy... but, boy am I ready!
Here's the brief update from on the baby at week 38:
The baby may be gaining an ounce a day now. His/her intestines are accumulating lots of meconium (baby's first bowel movement). The circumference of the head and the baby's abdomen are about the same size.

I've been swinging back and forth between insane excitement about what's coming and total exhaustion — which translates into cranky. I wouldn't call myself "level-headed" these days. But I'm trying to follow the advice given to me about resting as much as possible. It is cruel that at this time when I probably need my sleep the most, it's so hard to get it. Even bedding on the recliner downstairs is only helping so much. It's definitely more comfortable for laying down, but getting up to make my nighttime treks to the bathroom takes some serious work (especially since Muzzy likes to sleep somewhere on top of me)...
The other issue I've been facing the past few days is some serious wrist/carpal tunnel pain. From what I've read, this is not an uncommon problem late in pregnancy. But it really hurts! And it's not great in my line of work. I've been wrapping my right wrist at night to help stabilize it — and ensure I can hold a pen the next day for work.
OK, now that I've complained enough for one day I'll remind myself that the countdown is at 5 DAYS!!!! And only 3 days of work left!
I think I'm on the upswing to excitement again...

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