Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's on!

We went this afternoon to what was hopefully our last appointment with Dr. George before the baby comes. The baby's heartbeat is strong and my belly is still... big! It's measuring 38 cm, which is pretty big at this stage because the baby has already dropped down a bunch. Oh well. We've got ourselves one healthy watermelon in there!
Dr. George also checked my progress and said I'm 1 cm dilated — a little something, but not much. I'll take it, though! She said my cervix is softening already, too, which shows that my body is getting ready to deliver this little guy/gal.
If nothing happens by Sunday night, we're going in to the hospital to start the induction process. Dr. George warned us that it could take a while to deliver on Monday. So even though I'm sure I'll be going out of my mind with excitement, we're both going to try to get some good sleep (in hospital beds — or possibly a recliner for Brian) on Sunday night. I was happy to hear from Dr. George that she'll stay until I deliver, even if it happens past midnight and into Tuesday morning. We really like Dr. George and want her to be the one to deliver!
I can't believe how close we're getting. 4 days!!!!!

p.s. Rivaling in excitement to the "baby is coming" news at today's appointment — I lost 2 lbs. since last week's appointment. I haven't documented a weight loss in a very long time now!

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