Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sweet corn and the baby's arrival

We had a check-up today and confirmed the plans for being induced on Aug. 3.
11 days until baby!!!
Dr. George is actually going to have me check into the hospital on Sunday night, Aug. 2, to begin the induction medicine, if needed. Right now I'm not dilated at all. That's not unusual for 37 weeks. But if I'm still not showing any progress on my own by next week's appointment, she'll want to start me on some medicine that Sunday night that will soften my cervix (sorry, male readers) and make it easier to get labor going on Monday.
I'm excited about this plan because I think it will help ensure the baby's arrival on Monday — when Dr. George will be working.
Brian and I asked a few questions about the procedure. Not surprisingly, she couldn't give us any estimate on how long the induction will take (because it's different for everyone).
I was happy to hear that I can — and should — eat something before going in that night. Brian took my question one step further and asked Dr. George how much sweet corn I could eat beforehand. A strange question, yes, but the doctor gave me the green light to eat as much of it as I want. What a relief...?
Brian just found out that the annual Sweet Corn Festival in Wingate (a small town southwest of Lafayette) is on Aug. 1 this year. Yes, two days before the baby comes out Brian's top priority will be packing away as many ears of corn as possible at this all-you-can-eat festival.
In his defense, it is a pretty cool small-town event. Last year it was $2.50 per person for all the corn you could eat. There was a long line of people leading up to the grills where mass quantities of corn were being roasted and then dipped in coffee cans full of butter. Delicious. I've agreed to go with him this year as long as we can bring some lawn chairs and it's not 95 degrees.
Last year Brian put away 8 ears before I suggested that he call it a day... and take a bath to get all of the butter and corn kernels cleaned off. He's sure that this year he can outdo his last performance. I've told him to go for it as long as he doesn't end up needing surgery from some sort of corn blockage while I'm in labor. That would make a great story for the kids someday... but I doubt I would see the humor in it at the time.

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