I've joked a lot about how much I want a boy, but if we do have a girl, I got a little practice the other night.
One of Dorothy's frustrations over the last few months is not being able to do some tasks that were simple before she was pregnant. Carrying the laundry upstairs, lifting anything heavy and even watching a 30-minute television show (bladder constraints) can be difficult or impossible.
But just the other day, she came out of the bathroom with tears welled up in her eyes. She pointed down to her toes, which looked as though a 3-year-old had tried to paint them.
"I can't reach them," she said, in the saddest voice I've ever heard.
I took her back into the bathroom and cleaned up her toes. For the most part, she covered the nails, but there was a LOT of polish on the skin.
I'm not trying to embarrass Dorothy. I'm sure just about every woman who has ever been pregnant has been through this.
This baby is the biggest thing we'll ever do together, and it takes a team. That goes for big stuff like teaching right from wrong and keeping the baby safe from all the dangerous things in the world, all the way down to Dorothy's toes.
p.s. Here's the final product (photo provided by Dorothy)... now my feet are sandal-ready again, which is good since those are the only shoes I can fit into these days.
That's so stinkin' sweet! Way to go Brian. And hang in there Dorothy, you're almost there :)